Philipson Söderberg - France


France is the cradle of some of the finest grape varieties and wines in the world. Discover gastronomic wines from Alsace, wines from innovative winemakers in the Rhône and explore the unique terroirs of many other wines

France's wines have been the model for most classic wine styles worldwide and home to the most famous grapes. The French appellate laws have also been a model for Europe's original wine system. The number of wine regions in France is large and the system of origin is detailed.

The so-called classic or noble grape varieties are behind most of France's great wines, from Champagne to the Rhône Valley.

Our Vineyards and Wineries

A diverse range of wines, origins and brands offering the best of authenticity and terroir!

Philipson Söderberg - Part of Anora Group (Burgundy)

Contact us

+46 8-58523620

Birger Jarlsgatan 43, 111 45 Stockholm, Sweden